Welcome to Moody Compress and Warehouse Online.  We at Moody Compress and Warehouse are dedicated to the growth and future of the cotton industry for our customers and clients.

Company Profile

    Moody Compress is a division of Eugene B. Smith & Company, Inc.

     Moody Compress and Warehouse is a member of these organizations:

        Cotton Warehouse Association of America

       American Cotton Shippers Association

       Texas Cotton Association

  National Cotton Council

        Texas Cotton Ginners Association

        Lubbock Cotton Exchange

Moody Compress and Warehouse also stores other products for the Houston/Galveston, Texas metropolitan area.  We are located in Galveston and have access to both the Ports of Galveston and  Houston.  Moody Compress and Warehouse handles rail and truck deliveries and shipments, has container loading and unloading capabilities, as well as the ability to transload cargo products.  We are also able to handle import/export products for our customers.  For more information on customizing your storage and distribution needs please see the Contacts Page. 

Moody Compress and Warehouse Company

4906 Broadway

P.O. Box 3578

Galveston, TX   77552

Phone:  409.763.6401

Fax:  409.763.6402

E-mail: warehouse@moodycompress.com


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This website written and published by Larry Kindel for Moody Compress and Warehouse Company.  Copyright 2009.  All rights reserved.  For information on this website please contact Webmaster.